April 18, 2022
At Earth Tu Face we are committed to leaving ever more order in our wake. Our mission is to create sustainable grooming tools that deliver results. We stand by our formulations, ingredient sourcing, low-waste packaging, and skin elixirs. We will keep pushing the green envelope so that every mist, lather, slather, mask, and scoop changes your skin and our Earth for the better. The planetary challenges ahead of us are daunting but every innovation in the field opens the door to more solutions. Some secondary impacts of innovations can be difficult to predict ahead of time, but luckily we keep it simple with pure natural materials, so red flags in the supply chain are easily spotted. This approach, with an emphasis on healthy plant populations, palm-free, and as little plastic as possible, allows us to move away from an extractive and depleting relationship with the Earth.
Nature is our guiding light. The health of each of us is intertwined with our mother and the dynamic brilliance of ecosystems can’t be beat. We hope you find using the line as transporting, indulgent, connecting, and sensory-rich as we find creating it. Here is a closer look at what goes into our products, packaging, and business.
We have completed our transition to new metal lids for our glass packaging. These new bottles and jars join our other recyclable glass, zero-waste shell, and compostable paperboard products. We eagerly await innovation in the packaging industry to move us further away from plastic components in spray tops and dropper tops. We continue to package most of our products in glass as it remains the most universally recyclable material.
We are now moving into using BioStone and recycled Vellum as label material. BioStone is made of stone, not trees, and it is a byproduct of marble quarries and inherently durable. We are thrilled to welcome this eco option to the line. Vellum is 100% recycled post-consumer waste material and will be protecting our shell products this summer.
We have put the Earth first from day one, which is why we chose paper not plastic for our eco push Skin Sticks when we launched in 2012. We are happy to say this style has now been widely adopted in the green beauty industry. At the time of our launch, we helped form a need in the marketplace for a handmade paperboard tube made here in the US to house 1oz of healing salve. The stick that you know and love is still handmade in the US in the same way. When the tubes are hand-tooled this way, there is minimal production waste, and what waste there is can be recycled. Filled with herbal balm, we stand by these beauties for pockets, dashboards, bags, and countertops everywhere.
When we design new products, we think regeneratively and circularly about each ingredient. Our list of what we don’t use because of plant populations, or second order effects, is as long as what we do use. We continue to monitor the state of the flora and pivot our formulas away from plants whose populations are impacted by climate change or overharvesting. That is why we stopped formulating with vanilla, and you won’t find us using: rosewood, Indian sandalwood, palm, candelilla, palo santo, and many more. We aim to be regenerative instead of extractive and depleting.
We are a palm-free company. This is extremely important because palm oil production is a major contributor to deforestation and primate abuse. We are heartened to see the initiatives for sustainable palm production (RSPO certified palm oil) and may go down that road with new products.
Together we can make a difference, a little bit at a time, until we are in the right relationship with our home planet. We are forever grateful to this beautiful eco community for supporting green beauty innovations and the vibrant brilliance of the natural world.
May 13, 2022